Minor in Travel, Hospitality, and Tourism Management Curriculum

Hospitality is a sector that is experiencing global expansion and one that offers a wide range of career opportunities in the public, private, and voluntary sectors. The NYU SPS minor in Travel, Hospitality, and Tourism Management is designed to provide students with a solid understanding of the breadth, scope, and operation of the hospitality industry. This minor will allow students to position themselves as competitive employees in an industry that holds wide appeal and prepares them for graduate study in this field. Through two required foundational courses and a selection of elective courses, students will be able to tailor the minor to a specific interest in the hospitality discipline. The minor offers exposure to and exploration of the related industry sectors in lodging, food and beverage, travel, tourism, and events.


Required Courses

Students are required to complete the following two courses.

For more information about this minor, please contact: tisch.center@nyu.edu