Annual Faculty Activity Report (FAR)


The purpose of this annual self-evaluation is to provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your accomplishments, initiatives, and challenges and to share this information with your associate dean. This required report will be discussed during the one-on-one meetings between you and your associate dean at the end of the academic year and will become part of your personnel file.  

Please note that the report should include activities for the calendar year immediately preceding the due date. For example, the FARs due February 14, 2024, will cover calendar year 2023, including the January, Spring, Summer, and Fall 2023 terms. 

Thank you all in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please email the SPS Office of Faculty Affairs (


These instructions are provided as reference only. Faculty should complete the Annual Faculty Activity Report within the Faculty 180 (F180) module within Interfolio. Faculty may enter activities throughout the year within F180, but once the yearly input form is initiated, faculty should confirm all activities within the target calendar year. The review process is still conducted via the Interfolio Review, Promotion, and Tenure module (RPT) as with previous years.
  1. Add activities and review all sections of your FAR input form within Faculty 180 for the target calendar year. If there is nothing to report, or if a specific area is not relevant to you, indicate accordingly. If you have not entered in activities for the target year, enter those activities at this time. Use bullet points as much as possible. When complete, click Confirm Activities to finish the yearly input form in F180. This action will generate the 'Vita' for the target calendar year.

  2. Regenerate your vita and submit the Annual Faculty Activity Report (FAR) Review case within Interfolio RPT by February 14, the deadline indicated in the Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion, and Grievance Policy.
You may reference the policy - Section III Rights and Responsibilities of SPS CCF - for information that you may wish to include in your FAR. You may also reference Dean Kamath’s Vision 2025 site.  

Form Sections:

Teaching: Courses Taught (sourced from NYU Albert)

The course data in this section is populated automatically from the NYU Albert student information system on a semesterly basis and cannot be edited in Faculty 180. If you need to make edits or updates, please contact SPS Faculty Affairs ( to request a change in NYU Albert.

Teaching: Curricular Development

Use this section to describe any new curricula or academic programs you developed.

Teaching: Year in Review

Use this section to provide an overall review of your teaching this year. Make sure to include all credit and CE/non-credit courses as well as workshops, seminars, and guest lectures at or beyond NYU.

Reflect on the success of your teaching this year, highlighting innovations or new strategies you’ve implemented, and feedback from peer reviews or student evaluations.

Advising and Mentoring

Use this section to list your student advising and mentoring activities for the reporting period. This may include direct work with undergraduate or graduate students in research labs, capstone projects, thesis committees, dissertation committees, etc. Please also highlight any aspects of support outside of routine coursework advisement (e.g., writing references for graduate school or making recommendations for internship opportunities). Please include the number of advisees assigned to you this past year.

Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions

This section is used to capture scholarly contributions including journal articles, books, book chapters, creative productions, digital works, presentations, patents, etc. You can add this information manually, import data from database sources (i.e., Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, or arXiv), or import citations from external files (e.g., RIS, BibTex, Zotero export, Google Scholar export, etc.).

For schools using NYU Scholars, an integrated data feed will automatically populate citation data for you. Please keep in mind that any data added or edited in Faculty 180 will not get updated in NYU Scholars.

When manually adding citations keep in mind that only fields with an asterisk * are required, but you should provide any relevant details to generate an accurate citation.

Service Activity: Internal

Internal Service includes both compensated and uncompensated service activities performed on behalf of your program, academic unit, SPS, or the University at large. This may also include administrative and coordination duties (e.g., writing letters of recommendation, proctoring exams, supervising instructors and class visits, training instructors, etc.). Use the description field to provide additional information about your role, involvement, and associated responsibilities for each activity.

Internal Service types include:

  • Admissions (e.g., application review, recruitment events)
  • Board (e.g., disciplinary, IRB)
  • Committee (e.g., personnel review, IDBEA)
  • Community Service
  • Editorship (e.g., school/university sponsored journals, newsletters)
  • Events (e.g., event coordination and execution, panelist, moderator)
  • Faculty Mentoring
  • Faculty Recruitment (e.g., faculty searches)
  • Fundraising
  • Leadership Role (e.g., academic director or coordinator, department chair, area head, faculty senate)
  • Studio/Facilities Design and Development
  • Other

Please choose the most accurate start and end semester information when entering your service activities. When entering a continuous service activity, please select “Ongoing” as the end semester (this can be updated at any time).

Note: All student advising and mentoring activities should be included in the Advising and Mentoring section.

Service Activity: External

External Service includes service provided to academic or professional organizations outside of NYU. This may include participation in professional societies, paid or unpaid professional consulting assignments, committee appointments, peer review activities (e.g., journal editor or reviewer), presentations of non-research papers, and conference participation as a moderator, discussant, or panelist.

Use the additional comments section to include other information relevant to your service activity. Some examples include:

  • Organization name for professional or community service activities
  • Journal title or publisher for editorial activities
  • Topic or title for moderating or participating in a panel discussion
  • Any other relevant information you’d like to share with your school

Please choose the most accurate start and end semester information when entering your service activities. When entering a continuous service activity, please select “Ongoing” as the end semester (this can be updated at any time).

Grants and Funding (sourced from Cayuse)

The grant information in this section is populated automatically from the Cayuse sponsored projects platform and cannot be edited in Faculty 180. If you need to make edits or updates, please contact your departmental or school representative to request a change in Cayuse.

Please note that the current listing of grant information in Faculty 180 may not be consistent with sponsored projects data correctly entered in Cayuse. The grant data used to populate this section is currently being remapped by the Interfolio Team within the Office of the Provost in consultation with the Office of Sponsored Programs. We anticipate these updates to go live in spring 2024.

Other Grants and Funding

Use this section to report any grants or funding not already captured in Cayuse. Be sure to note the funding title, sponsor, period, type, and status, as well as your role, any collaborators, and any other information you feel is relevant.

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

Use this section to share any awards, honors, or other significant professional achievements you’ve received. Not all fields are required, but please provide the awarding organization when possible.

SPS Priorities

Dean Kamath has listed the following items as priorities for SPS. Use this section to describe your contributions to each category.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Student Success
  • Cross-unit Collaboration

Looking Ahead

Use this section to briefly describe your professional goals for the next academic year as well as any initiatives or projects you’d like to pursue (make sure to note any resources or support that you’d require).

When completing this section, be sure to select the semester range that accurately reflects your school’s active reporting period (J Term 2023 - Fall 2023) so it correctly appears within your annual activity report.

Related Policies

Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion, and Grievance Policy

Academic Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy


Last Updated: November 1, 2023